Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.
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Today is the 250th anniversary of the founding of St.Louis. I called St.Louis home for most of my youth and still think of it as my hometown.
I figured I would celebrate by sharing a few of my favorite things about the city.
This view:
Ted Drewes Frozen Custard:
Baseball (of course):
The Square Beyond Compare:
I dont know who Dale Hansen is but I agree with 99% of the stuff he says in this video about Michael Sam.
How most users respond to updates.
First off I must admit one of my all time favorite movies is bloodsport.
I was watching it recently and it struck me that I have seen this Dim Mak scene play out at countless infosec cons:
No, I haven’t seen anyone break a brick with a secret move at an underground martial arts tournament (that I am telling you about) but I have seen people prove they can do amazing things only to be greeted with a room full of “not impressed” faces.
KOMU is the local NBC affiliate out of Columbia. To be honest I really love their news broadcasts and their website and rely on them for the majority of my news. Sorry KRCG and KMIZ.
Yesterday I got a couple of calls from people who were getting this when they visited the website:
After looking at the diagnostic page here it was clear that their ad network was distributing malicious software. It happens when you outsource your ads. It has happened to the NY Times, Yahoo and Wall-Street Journal. You clean it up, apologize and move on.
What is inexcusable to me is their social media team telling people to ignore what is a very valid warning: is safe to use. If you get a malware or “attack” warning, direct your browser to continue. We are working to correct.
— KOMU 8 News (@KOMUnews)
We are working with Google and our CMS provider to resolve the issue. There is no malware, is safe to use.
— KOMU 8 News (@KOMUnews)
This is putting their viewers PC’s at a very unnecessary risk. As someone who deals with this stuff for a living it is mind boggling that a company would do this.The software that is being distributed by those servers can lead to broken PCs, lost files and identity theft.
I like KOMU and I want them to get their website fixed but I dont like it when they lie to their customers.
Broadcasting the SSID and password on national TV for the Super Bowl security command center is probably bad.
Last night I wrote a post about 5 things I am bad at and promised I would follow up with 5 things (appropriate to share on the internet) I am good at.
So here they are:
Technical Intuition
My job is not hard because I have a natural understanding of how technology and security should function and most of the time they do. This makes my job fun.
Dropping Dope Rhymes
I know you may not believe me but I am most talented rapper you have never heard. If you want proof just hop in the car with me for a road trip and I will make you throw your hands in the in the air and say uhh!?!
Liking People
I like people. I have people I consider friends all over the world. It doesn’t take me a long time to get warmed up to someone and start caring for them. It is probably because of my childhood but I truly understand that all people want to be liked.
Leading Discussions
I wanted to put that I was good at teaching on this list but in honesty I suck at teaching. I am really good at leading discussions though. So good in fact that I fly all over the world doing it. I love leading discussions and watching amazing things happen because of it.
Being Thankful
My childhood was beyond rough and to be where I am today has given me a heart that is truly thankful for all the opportunities I that I have been given.
What are you good at?
I am reading a book and one of the questions in it was “What are 5 things you do poorly?”. I thought it was a very interesting and thought provoking question. If the question was “What are 5 things you are super awesome at?” I could whip up at list without hesitation in about 5 minutes. It took me an hour to come up with my list but here are the 5 things I am bad at:
I never liked the grammar part of English class. When I was in high school I never thought that writing would be something I would do so I goofed off and didn’t pay attention enough and because of that my writing skills are really poor.
Listening instead of thinking about what to say next.
Were you talking? Sorry I was thinking of what I wanted to say next and not really paying attention to what you said.
Doing Dishes
I am really, really bad at doing dishes. So bad in fact my wife never makes me do the dishes because she ends up just having to redo most of them.
I hate the quiet and have to have some kind of music,TV or conversation all the time.
Completing repetitive tasks for a long period of time.
I would be the worst factory or fast food worker in the history of history. If I have to do something at work that is repetitive I try to figure out a way to automate it.
What are 5 things you are bad at?
That is a lot of danger tape.