I take a lot of screenshots in OSX (⌘+shift+4) to share and for the longest time I just lived with the 2003-era super cool shadow:
I finally got tired of it and found the solution to turning it off is these two terminal commands:
defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool true
killall SystemUIServer
Now my screenshots look like this:
If for some reason you would want to re-live 2003 you can re-enable the drop shadow with these commands:
defaults write com.apple.screencapture disable-shadow -bool false
killall SystemUIServer
Tag: osx
I spend a lot of time working in the starbucks near my office. It is a great place to slip away from the office for an hour when I need to do some heads down work but dont want to be completely anti-social.
Even though I always use a VPN one thing that always bothered my was that Starbucks was grabbing my MAC address every-time I logged in:
I am not a big fan of being tracked like this so this weekend I wrote randomMAC for OSX to quickly change my MAC address.
So now when I log in at Starbucks I am passing it a random MAC:
After reading a few stories like this “Apple Leaves CNNIC Root in iOS, OSX Certificate Trust Lists” that didnt include instructions on how to remove them yourself I wrote a quick and ugly bash script that automatically removes the CNNIC and the China Internet Network Information Center EV Certificates Root certificates from OSX.
Use it at your own risk. I am a terrible script writer and this may install Windows 98.
(Inserting code snippets on to my blog is ridiculously complex. I have to fix that.)