My view on my run in Madison today.
Category: Uncategorized
I am not a Chiefs fan by any stretch of the imagination but I am an Eric Winston fan after this game.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: “Turtle Temper: Insulting Raphael”
Get More: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episodes,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Games
As an 80’s kid I loved the TMNT more than anything. I am so glad Nickelodeon relaunched the series this fall so that my son and I can enjoy it together. There have only been two new episodes but so far they have been really awesome as you can see from this clip.
At Derbycon I picked up a Minipwner and have been spending the last few days playing with it and came up with a few awesome scripts that if you have one you need to install all your device if you have one.
The First one is a wireless picker script that I found and edited from here.
killall -9 wpa_supplicant
iwlist wlan0 scanning > /tmp/wifiscan #save scan results to a temp file
scan_ok=$(grep “wlan” /tmp/wifiscan) #check if the scanning was ok with wlan0
if [ -z “$scan_ok” ]; then
killall -9 wpa_supplicant
iwlist wlan0-1 scanning > /tmp/wifiscan
scan_ok=$(grep “wlan” /tmp/wifiscan) #check if the scanning was ok
if [ -z “$scan_ok” ]; then #if scan was not ok, finish the script
echo -n “
WIFI scanning failed.”
if [ -f /tmp/ssids ]; then
rm /tmp/ssids
n_results=$(grep -c “ESSID:” /tmp/wifiscan) #save number of scanned cell
while [ “$i” -le “$n_results” ]; do
if [ $i -lt 10 ]; then
cell=$(echo “Cell 0$i – Address:”)
cell=$(echo “Cell $i – Address:”)
j=`expr $i + 1`
if [ $j -lt 10 ]; then
nextcell=$(echo “Cell 0$j – Address:”)
nextcell=$(echo “Cell $j – Address:”)
awk -v v1=“$cell” ’$0 ~ v1 {p=1}p’ /tmp/wifiscan | awk -v v2=“$nextcell” ’$0 ~ v2 {exit}1’ > /tmp/onecell #store only one cell info in a temp file
onessid=$(grep “ESSID:” /tmp/onecell | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’ | awk ’{gsub(“ESSID:”, “”);print}’)
oneencryption=$(grep “Encryption key:” /tmp/onecell | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’ | awk ’{gsub(“Encryption key:on”, “(secure)”);print}’ | awk ’{gsub(“Encryption key:off”, “(open) ”);print}’)
onepower=$(grep “Quality=” /tmp/onecell | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’ | awk ’{gsub(“Quality=”, “”);print}’ | awk -F ’/70’ ’{print $1}’)
onepower=$(awk -v v3=$onepower ‘BEGIN{ print v3 / 14}’)
onepower=“(Signal strength: $onepower of 5)”
echo “$onessid $oneencryption $onepower” >> /tmp/ssids
i=`expr $i + 1`
rm /tmp/onecell
awk ’{printf(“%5d : %sn”, NR,$0)}’ /tmp/ssids > /tmp/sec_ssids #add numbers at beginning of line
grep ESSID /tmp/wifiscan | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’ | awk ’{printf(“%5d : %sn”, NR,$0)}’ | awk ’{gsub(“ESSID:”, “”);print}’ > /tmp/ssids #generate file with only numbers and names
echo -n “Available WIFI networks:
cat /tmp/sec_ssids #show ssids list
echo -n “Enter the numeric option for your selected network: ”
read nsel
pattern=$(echo “ $nsel : ”)
wifissid=$(grep “$pattern” /tmp/ssids)
wifissid=$(echo “$wifissid” | awk -v pat=“$pattern” ’{gsub(pat, “”);print}’ | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’)
wifissid=${wifissid:1:`expr ${#wifissid} – 2`} #several commands to get clean name of ssid
if [ $nsel -lt 10 ]; then
cell=$(echo “Cell 0$nsel – Address:”)
cell=$(echo “Cell $nsel – Address:”)
nextsel=`expr $nsel + 1`
if [ $nextsel -lt 10 ]; then
nextcell=$(echo “Cell 0$nextsel – Address:”)
nextcell=$(echo “Cell $nextsel – Address:”)
awk -v v1=“$cell” ’$0 ~ v1 {p=1}p’ /tmp/wifiscan | awk -v v2=“$nextcell” ’$0 ~ v2 {exit}1’ > /tmp/cellinfo0 #store only the selected cell info in a temp file
grep -v ESSID /tmp/cellinfo0 > /tmp/cellinfo # delete ESSID line to avoid later grep mistakes
rm /tmp/cellinfo0
wifichannel=$(grep “ Channel:” /tmp/cellinfo)
wifichannel=$(echo “$wifichannel” | awk ’{gsub(“ Channel:”, “”);print}’ | awk ’{ sub(/^[ t]+/, “”); print }’) #get clean wifi channel
wifimode=$(grep “ WEP” /tmp/cellinfo) #check if encryption mode is WEP
if [ -n “$wifimode” ]; then #check if $wifimode is not an empty string
wifimode=$(grep “WPA2 ” /tmp/cellinfo) #check if encryption mode is WPA2
if [ -n “$wifimode” ]; then
wifimode=$(grep “WPA ” /tmp/cellinfo) #check if encryption mode is WPA
if [ -n “$wifimode” ]; then
if [ “$wifimode” != “none” ]; then #ask for passwork when needed
echo -n “Enter password of the selected WIFI network: ”
read wifipass
rm /tmp/cellinfo
rm /tmp/ssids
rm /tmp/sec_ssids
rm /tmp/wifiscan
#write results in the wireless config file and reset wifi interface
uci set wireless.@wifi-device[0].channel=$wifichannel
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].ssid=“$wifissid”
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].encryption=$wifimode
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[0].key=$wifipass
uci commit wireless
echo -n “Trying to connect to WIFI network.
(Wait a few seconds and check status with: iwconfig )”
wifi down
The Second script is a reverse SSH Script that will allow you to connect to your Minipwner from anywhere on the net.
set -x
if test -n “${2}”
TARGET_USER=’UserName’while true
echo “establishing reverse ssh tunnel to ${TARGET_HOST}:${TARGET_PORT}”
ssh -R ${TARGET_PORT}:localhost:22 -N ${TARGET_HOST} -l ${TARGET_USER} -o ServerAliveInterval=30
sleep 1
Yes this is super geeky but I just wanted to have them somewhere I could find them.
We have only two modes – complacency and panic.
This weekend I was lucky enough to spend a few days in Louisville, Kentucky at Derbycon 2012 speaking about Security Awareness. I don’t go to a ton of cons (ok maybe I do) but I thought this one was well managed and very entertaining.
Dave Kennedy has to be one of the most genuinely nice and caring people in the business. Hanging out with him was one of highlights of the con.
I also spent a lot of time talking to the MiniPwner guys and am really digging their project. If you get a chance you should check it out and build your own.
I spent Saturday volunteering with Serve Jeff City to help clean up Wears Creek. Here is a story that was in the local paper. It took me two hours but I was able to dig this tractor tire out of the creek.
If you get a new iPhone5 or upgraded to iOS 6 today the first thing you should do change this setting.
Settings > General > About > Advertising > Limit Ad Tracking> On.
It limits the use of your Advertising Identifier that are used to track you via in-app ads.
If you are an average of the five people you spend the most time with … are they people that challenge you?