Automating Digicert Certificates Into AWS ACM

Like most security professionals I am spending a large amount of time helping my company move securely to AWS.
Certificate management in AWS is done with AWS Certificate Manager  and while they do offer *free* certificates, ACM generated certs are outside your direct control. You don’t get the keys which, at least for some things, should probably be a non-starter (granted, for plenty of other things it’s likely  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
I also really like digicert and have been using them for TLS certificates for over 10 years but I could not find any automation already built for Digicert to AWS ACM so I spent some time this week and hacked a script together to do it.
Here is a link to the script  (also embedded at the bottom of the post). On the host running the script you will need AWS CLI  configured and a Digicert API Key.  You also need to configure the first 15 lines of the script with your information.

To Run The Script:


Script Output:

Here is what the script looks like running:

Here is the cert uploaded to ACM:

The script also saves all of the commands, keys and certs on the host running the script for auditing and backup:

Full Script:


I will be making improvements to this script as we implement it in production and will likely move it to a full GitHub repo soon.   If you have any questions please reach out to me on twitter at @JGamblin. 
Update:  I have built a full Github repo here.

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