Learning About SDR.

I have become more and more interested in hardware security lately and while I have been having a lot of fun learning about RFID Security I knew the next logical step would be to try to learn how to use a software-defined radio.
After doing a lot of reading and research over the last couple of weeks I came to learn that the best way to learn SDR is with a ~$20 HD DVB-T from Realtek called the RTL2832U.
The RTL-SDR blog sells an “upgraded” RTL-SDR on Amazon for $25 that I picked up and really like.
2016-01-21 17.34.15
Some of the projects I have started to explore include:
Tracking Airplanes Using Dump1090:Screenshot from 2016-01-22 06:49:13
Screen Shot 2016-01-21 at 6.48.51 PM
Decoding and Tracking TPMS:
Screenshot from 2016-01-22 06&%39&%52

RTLSDR-Scanner for general scanning:
I have a lot more to learn with this setup but I can easily see that this will quickly turn me into dropping a few hundred dollars into a HackRF so that I can transmit as well as receive.

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