Can you hack this for me?

When you tell people that you do network security for a living they automatically think you are the worlds greatest hacker and that they are free to ask you to commit a federal crimes for. For the last couple of years I have started to keep a list of things people have asked me to hack to for an end of the year blog post.

My 2014 “Can you hack this for me” list:

A 3rd grader at my sons school asked me to hack his schools network so he could play mine craft. 

If I could hack “China” by a guy at Starbucks and “save America”.

If I could hack a politician’s Twitter account and Gmail account.

A coworker asked me to hack her husband’s email so she can delete an email she sent while mad.

A guy on a plane told me he would give me $20 if I hacked his ex-wives Gmail account.

The same guy asked (loudly) if I could hack the plane I was riding on after Scorpion premiered on TV.

I am not built for federal prison so I would never do any of the things above but please continue to ask me to commit federal crimes for you because I really enjoy writing this blog post every year.

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