How To Disable Twitter Photo Tagging

Twitter added a photo tagging feature today and like Facebook decided to have the default setting to allow anyone to tag you.

For your own saftey you should change it to this:image

The steps to do this are easy:

1) Login to
2) Go to the Settings tab.
3) Go to the Security tab.
4) Under Photo Tagging click “Do not allow anyone to tag me in photos”.
5) Scroll to the bottom of the page and Click “Save changes”
6) Enter your password to save your changes.

Facebook vs Twitter

Today I had a “Classic Jerry” moment and had a pen explode as I was spinning it around in a meeting.

This was the aftermath:

Afterwards I post the exact same same stats to my FaceBook and Twitter account:
My pen broke while I spinning it around in a meeting it ruined my shirt and got ink all over my face.

The reactions couldn’t have been more different.

On twitter I get made fun of:

and on Facebook I get tips on how to remove the stain:

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